For us, living with art is a fundamental part of life. We are here to help select and curate artworks for any space and budget.

Clients receive unlimited research on artists and full access to our time and resources on behalf of your collection. We will offer learning opportunities and experiences of interest to you.

We are transparent in our negotiations on your behalf for the best access, service, and pricing. We will facilitate other services such as framing, shipping, installation and storage.


We work with both new and established art collectors to make the process of buying art a rewarding, engaging and enjoyable experience. We create a bespoke roadmap for each client, making introductions to different facets of the art world. We offer opportunities to explore galleries, visit artists in their studios, follow auction markets, and travel to art fairs and other art destinations. We enjoy offering our services to individuals, couples, families, institutions and companies on an annual basis with unlimited research and engagement. It is our goal that through working together, our clients will not only have an enviable art collection, but will also feel confident and knowledgeable in world class galleries, art fairs and museums. 


If it’s just one special piece or the start of a growing collection, we offer advice and expertise along with access to galleries, artist studios and art fairs. We believe in supporting an essential cultural ecosystem while ensuring an investment into artwork for a lifetime.

New to collecting

We have worked extensively with established collectors sourcing select works, introducing emerging artists and pinpointing investment pieces, helping shape collections that speak to specific interests and ideals of the collector. Our longterm relationships with global reach allow access and insight into different markets where experience, expertise and networks are essential.

Established collectors

Step 1.   Consultation

Step 2.  One year annual retainer including all fees as well as gallery tours and openings, studio visits, art fair tours and bespoke art events.

Step 3.  Start adding art to your life.

For more fee information please email:

How it works